Pulsee Play for future

Governance, Management, and Communication Software.
The client expressed the need for a governance and communication tool for Pulsee Play For Future, a project aimed at promoting creativity, enhancing talent, and fostering innovation across various fields such as music, art, technology, and sustainability.

Simplifying governance and conveying the ambition of NetZeroCities
SuperUrbanity was involved in a major project with the Municipality of Bergamo, which joined the European NetZeroCities program to achieve climate neutrality by 2030. One of the key challenges for the municipality’s administrative offices was engaging and managing over 40 stakeholders who signed the climate contract. Public and private companies, third-sector entities, and organizations had the opportunity to share a common vision related to sustainability goals, but most importantly, to collaborate in achieving them.
Our Forimpact.ai software quickly adapted to the climate contract framework, aligning with the information requirements from the European Union. The digital platform developed by SuperUrbanity consists of two portals: one public, for communication and storytelling, and one private, reserved for project stakeholders.
SuperUrbanity’s work began with an in-depth analysis of the European project in collaboration with the Municipality of Bergamo’s Environment Department. Following this, the needs and pain points related to managing such a complex process involving more than 40 diverse actors were identified.
Based on this analysis, SuperUrbanity’s team customized the platform to meet the Municipality’s desired look and functionality, both for the public portal and the private stakeholder environment.
The project demonstrated how digitalization can significantly improve the operations and overall governance of complex processes, contributing not only to greater efficiency and transparency but also to better sharing of goals with the community.

Governance and Communication: Digitalization as a Lever for Citizen Engagement and Collaboration for Sustainability
The project yielded significant results. The introduction of a digital system for the exchange and interaction between various stakeholders not only simplified the governance operations for the Municipality but also fostered a more efficient working method, streamlining the bureaucracy related to the implemented actions. Similarly, citizens now have access to a public portal where they can engage and stay informed about the sustainability efforts in their urban area.
In summary, the project provided a new tool to reinforce the Municipality of Bergamo's commitment to full sustainability, successfully engaging numerous key local stakeholders in an agile manner.